Izdelki za oprema za gumo (137)

VODA IN ODPADNE VODE Večplasten in izziven

VODA IN ODPADNE VODE Večplasten in izziven

In the treatment of drinking water, whether done conventionally or via seawater desalination, agitators are used for rapid mix, precipitation and flocculation processes. Precipitation and flocculation processes require low shear, slow-running agitators. For pH adjustments and rapid mixing faster running agitators that can blend reactor content in a flash are required. Wastewater treatment also requires a multitude of application options for agitators. In anaerobic and anoxic tanks for nitrogen removal, slow-running agitators are used to suspend and homogenize activated sludge flocs. In aeration tanks, mixer/aerators can be used for efficient oxygenation and mixing. Where waste water is purified, sludge is generated. This sludge is generally conditioned using polymers, dewatered, and then digested in anaerobic sludge digesters to generate biogas. Special agitators are required for both polymer introduction and for digested sludge mixing.
E30 Kriogeni Sistem za Odstranjevanje Odbitkov - za odstranjevanje odbitkov iz elastomerov, plastomerov, duroplastov in cinkovih litin

E30 Kriogeni Sistem za Odstranjevanje Odbitkov - za odstranjevanje odbitkov iz elastomerov, plastomerov, duroplastov in cinkovih litin

Mit ihrem geringen Platzbedarf lässt sich die computergesteuerte Kompaktanlage leicht in den Produktionsfluss integrieren. Dies spart Zwischenlagerung & Transporte und die damit verbundene Zeit & Kosten. Die komfortable Bedienerausstattung auf neustem Niveau läßt keine Wünsche offen: Touchscreen-Bedienung, USB/SSD Festplatte, Netzwerkanbindung (Support via Internet), Rezepturenspeicher, Benutzerverwaltung, Protokollierung/ Dokumentation/ Rückverfolgbarkeit & Barcodescanner/ID Key (optional). Alternativ ist die E30 auch in Wechselkorbausführung erhältlich und damit kompatibel zu unserer Waschanlage W30, und ist optimal geeignet für eine lineare Folgebearbeitungslinie →Produktion →Entgraten →Waschen →Tempern, da die Chargen-Wechselkörbe zu den jeweiligen Maschinen kompatibel eingesetzt werden können. Für Industrie 4.0 Anforderungen: Standardgemäß ist ein Monitoring der Prozessdaten über Netzwerk auch von einem externen Arbeitsplatz oder optional via OPC-UA Server möglich.
Gumeni zavorni pedal

Gumeni zavorni pedal

Das Bremspedal (auch Fußbremshebel) ist bei nahezu allen Kraftfahrzeugen die Betätigungseinrichtung der Betriebsbremsanlage. Gummi Abdeckung verhindert das Aussrutschen bei Bremsvorgang.
Pilly 3D EPDM Gumena Figura

Pilly 3D EPDM Gumena Figura

This product, which is the 3D figure of the lovely caterpillar worm, is produced using EPDM rubber material, taking into account child safety considerations. You can use this product to strengthen the concept of natural playground in parks built with Robiwood products. Alternatively, you can choose this product for shopping malls, public parks, theme parks and other indoor/outdoor playgrounds. AGE GROUP:3+ yrs CRITICAL FALL HEIGHT:0.80 mt PLAY CAPACITY :2-4 child DIMENSIONS (LxWxH):3.20 mt x 1.70 mt x 0.80 mt
Gumijasta 100×100 cm Gumijasta za telovadnice

Gumijasta 100×100 cm Gumijasta za telovadnice

Il est essentiel d'avoir un revêtement en caoutchouc approprié pour créer une salle de sport professionnelle. Par conséquent, il est crucial de choisir un produit qui offrira des résultats à long terme. Le revêtement en caoutchouc BsFit Pro Flex, fabriqué avec notre TECHNOLOGIE DE PROCESSUS À FROID unique, offre une tranquillité d'esprit aux propriétaires de salles de sport et améliore les performances. La TECHNOLOGIE DE MOULAGE À FROID de BS RUBBER élève les dalles en caoutchouc à un niveau supérieur avec son nouveau produit : le BsFit Pro, une dalle en caoutchouc de 100x100 cm qui offre le meilleur rapport qualité-prix pour les propriétaires de salles de sport. Pourquoi choisir BsFit Pro ? - Les dimensions et l'épaisseur de cette dalle en caoutchouc traitée à froid ont des tolérances de moins de 0,05 %. - Elle offre une absorption des chocs supérieure par rapport aux dalles plates et de faible densité, protégeant ainsi les articulations des athlètes. - Il y a un risque minimal de glissade et d'autres blessures. - Elle prévient les dommages à votre sous-plancher causés par des impacts lourds et maintient les coûts de réparation bas. Taille : 100×100 cm Épaisseur : 20 mm / 25 mm / 30 mm / 40 mm Densité : 950-980 kg/m3 Poids/m2 : 18 kg (20 mm) / 23 kg (25 mm) / 27 kg (30 mm) Dureté : 60 ± 3 A Shore Tolérance (Dimensions / Épaisseur) : 0,05 % / 0,05 %
Gumijasti Čevlji za Biblock Spalne Trole s Povezovalno Palico - Industries

Gumijasti Čevlji za Biblock Spalne Trole s Povezovalno Palico - Industries

Les bottes et coussinets en caoutchouc ont été initialement développés pour les traverses biblocs avec barre de connexion et ont été utilisés dans plusieurs constructions de tunnels suisses tels que Bötzberg, Grauholz, Mattestetten-Rothrist et dans différentes gares: Zürich, Kloten et Lausanne. Des éléments BORFLEX® ont été insérés dans le projet de différentes lignes de métro à l’étranger: Brésil, Egypte, Grèce, France et Italie
Par črnih gumijastih kladiv za letala 45 cm 12,0 kg - INDUSTRIJSKA KALIBRACIJA

Par črnih gumijastih kladiv za letala 45 cm 12,0 kg - INDUSTRIJSKA KALIBRACIJA

Matière : caoutchouc recyclé 95% / caoutchouc naturel 5% Couleur : noire Longueur : 450 mm Poids : 12,00 kg Zone de travail : 155 mm Hauteur : 130 mm Cales reliées par une corde en polyéthylène. Existe également à l’unité. UGS:950161 Couleur:Noir Matière:Caoutchouc Dimensions:45cm Type de porteur:Gros porteur, Moyen porteur
MINI GUMIJASTA PODPORA 250 - 250 mm mini gumijasta podpora za kabelske kanale

MINI GUMIJASTA PODPORA 250 - 250 mm mini gumijasta podpora za kabelske kanale

Support de sol mini Rubber 250mm anti vibratile pour chemins de câbles. A l'unité. Fabriqué à base de pneumatiques recyclés Traitement de protection aux UV Barre aluminium moulée : 210mm Hauteur du support 50mm Poids de l'unité : 1,3kg Charge/unité : 50kg
EPDM in Naravni Gumi Cevi - Cevi in Kolena

EPDM in Naravni Gumi Cevi - Cevi in Kolena

Die Schläuche sind entweder verstärkt oder nicht. Die unverstärkten Schläuche, die eine relativ geringere Druckbeständigkeit aufweisen, werden in der Regel von industriellen Erstausrüstern, wie Waschmaschinenherstellern, verwendet. Alle Größen sind als gerade Form, gerade Reduzierstücke, 90°Bogen, 45°Bogen, 135°Bogen und 180° erhältlich. Gerne entwickeln wir auch individuelle Formen nach Ihren Anforderungen bzw. Ihrem Entwurf. Unten finden Sie die Druckstufen für den Shore Master Verwendet von industriellen Erstausrüstern, wie Waschmaschinenherstellern
Pleteni za industrijo

Pleteni za industrijo

Les tresses pour l'industrie sont des solutions d'étanchéité polyvalentes, conçues pour répondre à une variété de besoins dans des applications industrielles exigeantes. Disponibles dans de nombreuses références, ces tresses offrent une flexibilité maximale pour les projets de maintenance et de réparation. Leur conception unique permet de résister à des conditions difficiles, garantissant ainsi une performance fiable et durable. En choisissant des tresses pour l'industrie de haute qualité, les entreprises peuvent améliorer l'efficacité de leurs opérations tout en réduisant les temps d'arrêt et les coûts de maintenance. Ces tresses sont disponibles dans une gamme de matériaux pour s'adapter à des besoins spécifiques, offrant ainsi une personnalisation maximale. Avec des tresses adaptées à leurs besoins, les entreprises peuvent garantir la continuité de leurs opérations tout en optimisant la performance de leurs systèmes.
ŠKATLA Art. Nr. 4a

ŠKATLA Art. Nr. 4a

Druckvert.: 11,4 – 21,8 N DIN EN 14404 Ähnlich KASTEN Art. Nr. 4 aus Gummi mit einem flachen 25 mm dicken Zellkautschukpolster, deshalb weniger federnd. Dauerhitzebeständig bis 80°, daher auch im Straßenbau gut geeignet!
Predformovani silikonski grelci - Silikonski spiralni grelci, silikonski trakasti grelci, grelci za črpalke in plinske cevi

Predformovani silikonski grelci - Silikonski spiralni grelci, silikonski trakasti grelci, grelci za črpalke in plinske cevi

Preformed silicone heaters are useful for diamters as small as 12 mm and up to 100 mm. Rounded silicone heaters are not possible with self-adhesive foil. Spiral Wrap Pre-Formed Silicone Rubber Heaters are suitable for tubes and flexible pipes and hoses with Ø 6,35 mm (1/4"). Spiral formed flex heaters can be used up to Ø 12 mm (the length of the stretchable silicone spiral wrap heater is reduced accordingly). The thickness of our spiral-wrapped silicone strip heaters is 2,2 mm. Also our gas and pump line heaters, most frequently used in the semi-conductor process, are shaped and pre-formed according to the object geometry to be heated. They are designed to regulate temperatures in order to prevent condensation in the line. Current applications here are Semi Conductors, Vacuum Chambers, Wafer Chucks, Valves, Exhaust & Pump Systems.
Rezanje delov

Rezanje delov

Pour la fabrication de pièces techniques comme manchettes, soufflets, bandes&lanières, bavettes, sangles&courroies, ….. Pour le garnissage de roues et roulettes Pour la sécurisation des transports et de la manutention (tapis antidérapants, mousse d’emballage, garniture de palettes, ….) Pour la protection de vos équipements contre l’usure, le frottement, le glissement, ….. Les Ets CHAPUT vous propose ses services de découpe de plaques, feuilles, rouleaux en caoutchouc, silicone, polyuréthane, mousse ou feutre aux dimensions et formes souhaitées grâce à notre machine à commande numérique « Flashcut » assemblage par collage, soudure adhésivation par pose d’autocollant permanent ou non
RoFoam za športne izdelke - Visokokakovosten XPE peno na roli za športne in prostočasne izdelke

RoFoam za športne izdelke - Visokokakovosten XPE peno na roli za športne in prostočasne izdelke

RoFoam is het ideale basismateriaal voor de vervaardiging van veilige, comfortabele en hygiënische sport- en vrijetijdsproducten. BELANGRIJKSTE KENMERKEN - Schokabsorptie: de gesloten celstructuur van RoFoam absorbeert effectief schokken en impact en biedt uitstekende demping en bescherming voor gewrichten en spieren tijdens oefeningen en spel. - Ondersteunend en stabiel: RoFoam biedt superieure ondersteuning en stabiliteit, vermindert vermoeidheid en verbetert de prestaties bij diverse activiteiten. - Waterbestendig: RoFoam stoot vocht af en zorgt voor een gezonde en hygiënische omgeving voor gebruikers. - Duurzaam: RoFoam behoudt zijn vorm en prestaties bij langdurig gebruik, waardoor de levensduur van het product wordt gemaximaliseerd. Geschikt voor diverse sport & leisure toepassingen, zoals: - Fitnessmatten - Vechtsportmatten - Speeltoestellen voor kinderen - (Aqua) Fitnessgereedschap
Puhalniki suhega ledu, peletizatorji in dodatki - za ročno in avtomatsko čiščenje kalupov za pnevmatike

Puhalniki suhega ledu, peletizatorji in dodatki - za ročno in avtomatsko čiščenje kalupov za pnevmatike

Thirty years of expertise in Dry Ice blasting and production, with cooperation at university level and applications in a wide range of business areas: we put all of this at your service. Extend the lifespan of tire molds with non-abrasive blasting methods to preserve the external appearance of new or retreaded tires – curing after curing. Ultra-sonic nozzles are custom engineered for complex patterns, including spring vent inserts. Blast away vulcanized rubber using 100% pneumatic or electropneumatic Dry Ice blasting units, manual or robot-operated. Produce Dry Ice blocks, pellets, micropellets, flakes or dust; store and transport them; protect your workers: we can offer you everything you need for Dry Ice. Dry ice blaster Dry ice accessories Dry ice accessories Dry ice pelletizers (micro pellets); Dry ice pallets storage boxes; Ultrasonic dry ice blasting nozzles (custom design and development); Standard dry ice blasting nozzles (bi-tube)
KG Oblike

KG Oblike

Rounds moulds have a wide variety of applications in food and beverages industry. Parties, restaurants, take-away service stations, hospitals, canteens, offices, outdoor events etc. Usta-Form provides moulds for all kinds of round cups , food containers for food and beverages industry. From our European material used moulds, you can easily produce lightweight, durable cups from PP, PS, PET and these can be used for storing liquids and food, where the products are mostly food-grade and leak-proof. Round yogurt cups Tea and coffee cups Water cups, filled and sealed or with no sealing Dairy cups Ice-cream cups Yogurt bowls Hummus bowls Soup bowls Salat containers Rectangular Moulds We manufacture accurate and strong moulds for rectangular containers, trays, lunch boxes, take-away containers that are used in catering, supermarkets, restaurants, canteens, hospitals and many more other fields that require disposable plastic cups and containers from PP, PS, PET.
Članki za kmetijsko opremo

Članki za kmetijsko opremo

Agricultural equipment covers the production of radial shaft seals, cuffs, 0-rings, shock absorbers, protective caps, springs, fuel hoses and krimers. All products follow the EU norms. The produced articles for agricultural equipment should meet the following requirements: chemical stability in places of installation, deformation resistance when under pressure, breaking strength adapted to pressure, flexibility on low and high temperatures, resistant to attrition. In our production process of articles we use all well known types of elastomers.


Gumijasti trakovi 95 kosov - Pisarniški material

Gumijasti trakovi 95 kosov - Pisarniški material

5 couleurs triées SKU:ST-31321
Vtič in Zamašek - Plastični Vtič & Gumijasti Zamašek

Vtič in Zamašek - Plastični Vtič & Gumijasti Zamašek

Unser Sortiment an Kunststoffstopfen und Gummistopfen umfasst eine Reihe von Lösungen, die sich ideal zum Abdichten eines Lochs eignen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie ein Eindringen verhindern oder das Loch abschneiden möchten. Wir haben die Wahl des Produkts für Sie. Diese Produktreihe umfasst eine Reihe von Kunststoff- und Gummilösungen, wobei Gummi aufgrund seiner Griffigkeit am häufigsten zum Abdichten eines Lochs verwendet wird. Einige unserer Kunststoffstopfen hingegen werden verwendet, um eine Funktion hinzuzufügen oder um ein Loch zu schließen, sodass z. B. Drähte durchgefädelt werden können. Auch als Stopper und Bungs bezeichnet, umfasst unsere Auswahl sowohl Hochtemperaturversionen, Gewindeausführungen und vieles mehr auf unserer Website. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir bei Bedarf auch kostenlose Probenahmen anbieten können. Verfügbare Stile:: Silikonstecker / -stopfen EPDM-Stecker / -Stopfen: Gewinde-Stecker Verschlussstopfen: Blindstopfen
Laserska naprava WATTSAN 1290 DUOS LT - CO2 laser

Laserska naprava WATTSAN 1290 DUOS LT - CO2 laser

Großformatmaschine WATTSAN 1290 DUOS LT mit zwei Schneidköpfen und automatischer Tischanhebung Min. letter size for engraving:1,5x1,5 mm Lens:D20 F50.8 Working area:1200 x 900 Software:RD-Werke Mirrors:D25 Type of working table:Lamellen Power consumption:2000 W Through table:Yes Supported format:DXF Laser power:100-120 W Laser durability:6000 h Weight:290 kg
Viton Del (FKM) - Oblikovanje, Ekstruzija, Rezanje, Obdelava, Proizvodnja

Viton Del (FKM) - Oblikovanje, Ekstruzija, Rezanje, Obdelava, Proizvodnja

Réalisation de toutes pièces en FKM, FFKM (Viton) en moulage, extrusion (profilé) découpe, usinage et confection. Mélanges :Fkm, FFKM, FKM Amélioré Duretés :40 à 85 ShA Homologations :Alimentaire (FDA, Acs, CE1935/2004) Couleurs :Standards ou suivant RAL Fabrications:Moulage, extrusion, confection, découpe, usinage Adhérisation :Acier, plastique, inox Ptfe...
Okrogle in V-jermeni SK® - ERO Spoj SK®

Okrogle in V-jermeni SK® - ERO Spoj SK®

ADVANTAGES Fast and easy assembly. With the ERO Joint® SK solution, you reduce the intervention time and production downtime. The ERO Joint® SK solution is durable, with a high mechanical resistance. The minimum diameter is preserved. ERO Joint® SK for round and V-belts are easy to assemble. Alternatives Hollow round belt with fastening system Hollow round belt with connector are only used for very low mechanical resistance. Junction made on site (with tool) Belts may be spliced and welded on site by using a specific tool according to the splicing and welding procedure. With mechanical fastening system ERO Joint® you will reduce considerably costs, particularly for belts with high dimension and belts with tensile reinforcement. Thanks to this new lacing technology, production costs are significantly reduce and the downtime too.
ROČNI DISPENZER ZA LEPILNI TRAK FPX800 - Ročni dispenser za lepilni trak z ročico, za lepilni papir v kolutih.

ROČNI DISPENZER ZA LEPILNI TRAK FPX800 - Ročni dispenser za lepilni trak z ročico, za lepilni papir v kolutih.

FPX800 LEVER HAND DISPENSER - FOR GUMMED PAPER Manual dispenser suitable for measuring and cutting the gummed paper. Lever operation. Equipped with automatic cutting blade and water tank. The length of the paper strip is adjustable by lever with adjustable stroke. By simply pressing the lever, a strip of wet paper is obtained, ready to be applied to the box. The wetted paper ensures a much higher seal than the adhesive tape and provides a clear indication on the tampering of the box. Unlike the adhesive tape, to open the box it is necessary to break the paper and it is not possible to close it again. Usable roll dimensions :outside diameter max mm 200 width from mm 20 to mm 100 Cutting lenght:min mm 100 - max mm 1100 Gummed tape type:smooth/standard
Ksantan guma (E415)

Ksantan guma (E415)

Xanthangummi ist ein Polysaccharid, das als Lebensmittelzusatzstoff weit verbreitet ist und in der EU unter dem Code E415 aufgeführt ist. Das Produkt bietet eine große Bandbreite an texturmodifizierenden Eigenschaften. Xanthan Gum wird aus Pflanzen wie Mais oder Rohrzucker durch Fermentation mit Xanthomonas campestris-Bakterien gewonnen.
POLPREVODNIK Napreden in inovativen

POLPREVODNIK Napreden in inovativen

In the manufacture of semiconductors, agitators are mainly used in conditioning of polishing and cutting suspensions, etchants and other auxiliary chemicals, cleaning solutions, or in chemicals recycling. Requirements placed on stirring systems are extremely demanding. Almost always, clean room conditions prevail, meaning that drives and seals must be designed with no abrasion or leakage. Parts that come into contact with the medium, such as the shaft and stirring element, often have to be produced with metalfree surfaces due to the aggressiveness of the media and the purity requirements. Also in this area, Geppert Ruhrtechnik can look back on a very successful history. All well-known chip manufacturers belong to our client base, as well as the manufacturers of the specialty chemicals used in this field. In addition, our agitators are used in broad solar cell production areas.
SW-30 - Majhen Stojni Mešalnik

SW-30 - Majhen Stojni Mešalnik

The SV 30 is a small stand mixer with manual stroke adjustment and spring suspended lid for small batches that range in volume from 20 l up to 100 l and agitator drives of up to 1.5 kW. It is supplied with helical gear agitators of up to 0.75 kW or fast running agitators of up to 1.5 kW and the suitable mixing elements. Thanks to the H stand as well as two hook blocks, the SV 30 can be moved. The weight is balanced by means of a counterweight positioned in the stand column itself. The pneumatic supply is guided through a laterally mounted energy chain. Explosion-proof design ATEX 2014/34/EU feasible.
CELULOZA IN PAPIR Reaktiven in kompleksen

CELULOZA IN PAPIR Reaktiven in kompleksen

Despite the increasing level of digitalization, an ever-increasing demand for paper and pulp products can be observed. However, a shift is taking place from print paper qualities to packaging paper and cardboard. The wide range of paper products requires a variety of production processes. These include mechanical and chemical processes which, depending on the form and variant, produce different pulp qualities. Stirring and mixing are essential unit processes in all types of paper and pulp production. Mixing tasks range from liquid/liquid or gas/solid/liquid mixtures, through mixing of complex liquids, and include mixing of chemically reactive components. Improving and optimizing mixing processes in the paper and pulp industry can lead to end product improvements; such as increased strength, improved luster, or significant energy or chemical savings.


Geppert Ruhrtechnik GmbH has been a certified manufacturer of explosion-proof agitator drives since 2003. This made us one of the first companies to develop and produce ATEX-compliant agitators. Our agitators are certified to ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU (formerly Directive 94/9/EC) in gas or dust explosion-proof designs. In addition, the majority of agitator styles have type test certificates for explosive zone 0, and can be used in applications in which an explosive atmosphere, arising from a mixture of air with flammable substances in the form of gas, vapor, or mist, is present. We offer ATEX-compliant controls for our explosion-proof design agitators. Talk to us and make use of our many years of experience on the topic of explosion protection. We will be happy to assist you! Our services in the field of explosion proof agitators